NZ Naturists - National

New Zealand Naturist Naturists is a group for people who want to experience the freedom of clothes-free recreation but may not be ready to join a club. They may just want to test the waters, or may not have a club in their area. Some may want to visit New Zealand for a naturist holiday and need an INF passport.

While maintaining the original purpose, this group has now been amalgamated with Free Beaches New Zealand. That purpose is still: to act as a vehicle to encourage people to join clubs, to keep members informed about naturism and to promote social events among members.   

If you would like to try clothes-optional recreation then Free Beaches / New Zealand Naturists is still for you.

We are administered for the NZNF Executive by an appointed secretary, currently John Lowe.

Our subscribed members enjoy the following benefits:

    NZNF membership cards complete with current INF stickers (introducing holders to naturist venues world wide).

    Six newsletters each year outlining forthcoming social activities in naturist venues throughout New Zealand and other naturist news.

Annual subscriptions are $40 for couples and $35 for individuals. New members (joining from April) are automatically extended into the following year.

John Lowe welcomes your no obligation enquiry.

PO Box 619, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240

Contact John via email.