NZNF Newsletters

3 March 2025

NZNF's latest newsletters are available here in PDF format

Gonatural Nudesletter

Mar - Apr 2025 | Dec - Jan 2024 | Oct - Nov 2024 | Aug - Sep 2024 | Jun - Jul 2024 | Apr - May 2024 | Feb - Mar 2024 | Oct - Nov 2023 | Aug - Sep 2023 | Jun - Jul 2023 | Apr - May 2023 | Feb - Mar 2023 | Dec - Jan 2022-23 | Oct - Nov 2022 | Aug - Sep 2022 | Jun - Jul 2022 | Apr - May 2022 | Feb - Mar 2022 | Dec - Jan 2022 | Oct - Nov 2021 | Aug - Sep 2021 | Apr - May 2021 | Feb - Mar 2021 | Dec - Jan 2021 | Oct - Nov 2020


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Older News

June Campbell-Tong In The News

June, a member of the Wellington Naturist Club, will I am sure be known to most naturists in New Zealand, and of course, many around the world.   June has recently celebrated her 60th year as a naturist, and I can tell you from experience, June has been involved in every aspect of looking after the naturist ethos that she can.   

When I first contacted June, she was the Secretary of the NZNF, and I was due to return from Australia with my family in 1977 and I wrote (yep, no 
email) to the Secretary of the NZNF (June) to enquire which would be the best club to join - we were going to be living in Waiouru.

Palmerston North Sun Club was the answer, and we subsequently joined up.

So, it is not about me.   June has once again been in the news with a great article about her naturist journey.













A great article June, but it is about time you got back to the club and worked on the gardens don't you think.


Holidays NZNaturally

The Holidays NZNaturally guide to naturist holiday destinations in New Zealand is being updated, once again.   This document was first started by the Taranaki Naturist Club way back in the 70's, I remember getting a copy when I returned from Australia in 1977.   Over the years, it has been kept up to date and until only a few years ago, this was done by Kay Hannam.   Everyone knows Kay of course, a stalwart of the naturist community and an ideal person to reformat the guide as in an earlier life, Kay was a desktop publisher.

I have emailed all the entities listed in the guide and making changes as I get responses.  The latest to update their listings are the Palmerston North Sun Club and also Katikati Naturist Park.

The guide has, in the past, been made available in hard copy at a very reasonable price.  Today, it is free, but only available in soft copy (that is, online).   If you wish to download a copy and print it for yourself, have at it.

I must stress, while I make every effort to ensure the information is correct, it is always prudent to contact the club or business in the first instance if planning a visit.

The URL is

If you know of an establishment that offers naturist holidays that is not listed, please get them to contact me.   Listings are free. is the address to use.


Wellington Naturist Club;   Brand new gate

Posted:   April 11, 2024

WNC installed an automated gate some years ago, which worked wonderfully.   You simply rang a cell phone number to open it, and that worked great for a long time.   This was also great as if someone was at the gate, did'nt have the phone number or any other reason, they could simply ring a club member and they could open the gate from afar.   

There were a few hiccups now and again though, especially when someone climbed over it or forced it in some way.   

More recently, the decision was made to replace the gate with a more up-market version, along with some new fencing to tidy up the whole entranceway to the club.   



June CT (WNC) celebrates 60 years as a naturist

Posted:   February 8, 2024

June who is a member of the Wellington Naturist Club has been a naturist for 60 years and this has been celebrated with members of the WNC, including a few long time naturists from other clubs too.   June has been involved in the naturist movement for all of that 60 years and has been on the NZNF executive and the Wellington Naturist Club committee several times also.

June is an avid gardener and many of the garden areas around the club are there because of her foresight over the years.   There are of course other gardeners which look after areas too, and there is even a garden club.   All of this makes the club look a pretty picture when these flowers are in bloom, and many visitors and members alike are astounded how pretty the club looks.   

Being a staunch naturist and always looking at ways to promote the gonatural brand - in fact naturism in general, a fellow member of the WNC purchased a Nitro polo shirt and a visor as a gift for June.  The photo is her modelling these gonatural items.

Some highlights of Junes 60 years.

~ Joined Pineglades in late 1963 with her husband, Bruce.

~ Left Pineglades in 1977 for Wanganui where June went on the committee. June left Wanganui for Wellington and joined the Wellington Sun Club in 1980.

~ June was also the delegate for NZ in Korvesada Croatia where she innocently asked what was involved with hosting a Congress.  The result of this query was that the 2016 Congress was hosted at the Wellington Naturist Club in 2016.

~ June did so much else including applying for grants for Wellington Naturist Club, starting off with the swimming pool fence, the children's playground, the petanque piste, clearing out the streamside clearing and replanting, and prepaid envelopes from NZ Post in 2009.   The assistance provided to the NZ Post resulted in June's photo being on the front page of the NZ Post annual report the following. year.

~ June is currently in discussions with a journalist from Australia and a feature article will be going in the magazine called Lucky Break here in New Zealand and Take 5 in Australia. Hopefully there will be some good positive publicity out of that for woman's naturism.

Thanks June.



2023 almost done and dusted, roll on 2024

David, NZNF President, and the rest of the executive and appointees would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.   The next festival is to be held on the grounds of Pineglades Naturist Club December 30, 2024 thru January 5, 2025.   Pineglades always puts on a great festival and this one will I am sure be no different.   

And for those that are missing going to a festival over the Christmas period (I am definitely one), the Wellington Naturist Club is putting on a Mini Fest over Wellington Anniversary weekend, January 20-22, 2024.   A lot of activities are planned including two catered dinners.   Check out the flyer attached to the calendar entry on the Upcoming Events page.   Pickleball will also be on the agenda, this is the new sport adopted by the NZNF at the recent AGM held at WOS.   WNC has a big hall and there is a court marked out inside, so even if it is wet (Wellington, never!), some of the sports could still be played including Pickleball and 3-Down, others too.

I have just put up some events from the HBNC newsletter for December and it is great to see some of the improvements that continue to be made at most clubs around NZ.     I have not visited for a couple of years or so but look forward to another visit sometime soon - maybe a festival sometime soon.


NZNF AGM 2023;   December 9, held @ WOS

The NZNF AGM was held at Waikato Outdoor Society on December 9, 2023.   As is the norm, WOS were fantastic hosts and the catering was superb.   The meeting was held later in the day, commencing at 1:00pm.   A good number of delegates were in attendance, in person, and several in attendance, via Zoom.  the full minutes will be promulgated in due course.

There were a number of new faces elected to the executive or as appointments.   AONC is well represented with Alex taking on the Youth and Families role, Wilma taking on Marketing, and Alice taking on the Social Media role.   Alice of course was previously the Marketing Officer.   Christine who has been on the executive for a very long time is taking a well earned rest and her Database Officer role has been taken on by Andy from WNC.   Ken from WNC has stood down too as the NIVP and this has been taken on by another WNC member, Paul.

A new sport, Pickleball, was adopted as an official NZNF sport.   This sport is gaining popularity world-wide, including New Zealand.  WNC actually has a court in their hall and it is not uncommon for 30 people to turn up for the games.   Other naturist clubs in NZ are also starting to play this game so look forward to it appearing on the sporting calendar at festivals going forward.

Andy is all for streamlining the NZNF membership card process so look forward to some interesting developments here.

After a lengthy hiatus, the sale of gonatural products has been granted to Murray under licence.   A good range of goods will be for sale, not through the normal web page but via an online ordering system and further notices on that will be advertised soon.   A range of new initiatives is in line so look out for different ways of selling the products, Murray has a few (good?) ideas.  All profits will go back to the NZNF/PCT.

The NZNF now has a Zoom account and this worked great during the meeting.   There was, as is always the case, a problem with remote viewers hearing the audio and I would recommend that an external bluetooth speaker and microphone be used, going forward.   On zoom, if any club wishes to have the NZNF DPC facilitate a zoom meeting for your club be it a committee meeting, a marketing meeting, or something else, please contact via to discuss.

I am sure there is more, I did not take notes, too busy managing the audio/visual for the meeting.   



September 13, 2023

New Zealand Naturist Federation rejoins the International Naturist Federation

The New Zealand Naturist Federation (NZNF) is excited to announce its official return to the International Naturist Federation (INF), marking a significant milestone in the country's naturist community.   After a brief hiatus, NZNF is once again a proud member of the global naturist family.

The INF, founded in 1953, is a worldwide organization dedicated to promoting naturism as a way of life, advocating for naturist values, and fostering connections among naturist communities across the globe.   NZNF's reintegration into the INF is a testament to its commitment to furthering the principles and ideals of naturism on an international scale.

New Zealand has a rich naturist heritage, with its stunning landscapes and a welcoming community that has long embraced the values of body acceptance, respect for nature, and the joy of living without clothing.   By rejoining the INF, NZNF aims to strengthen its ties with like-minded organizations worldwide and enhance the global naturist network.

For more information about the New Zealand Naturist Federation and its renewed membership with the International Naturist Federation, please contact David, NZNF President (   

The New Zealand Naturist Federation is the national body representing naturist clubs and individuals across New Zealand.   Committed to promoting the values of naturism, NZNF provides a platform for naturists to connect, share experiences, and enjoy the many benefits of naturist living.

The International Naturist Federation (INF) is a worldwide organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of naturist values. Established in 1953, INF fosters cooperation among naturist organizations globally and advocates for naturism as a lifestyle that respects the human body and the environment.

Further information will be provided by the NZNF overtime, but for now, this is very exciting news.


David Saunders
NZNF President


July 14, 2023

NZNF Mid-year meeting

The mid-year meeting of the NZNF executive was held on the grounds of the Pineglades Naturist Club on July 1.   What a great venue, the transport arrangements were great, as was the accommodation and meals.

As you can imagine, a lot was discussed and all will come out when the minutes are published.

One exciting thing that is being looked into is going digital with the NZNF Membership cards.   It is not confirmed yet just what this might look like, several options are being considered.

The AGM is scheduled for December 9, to be held on the grounds of the Waikato Outdoor Society.

Image below, L to R, Andrew, Christine, David, Jo, Kathy, Alice, and Ken.   Murray (Social Media) was manning the PC and screen showing the agenda etc.   In the background is Judith, what is not shown is just how cold the weather was that weekend, -4 one night I think.


July 12, 2023

Orchard Sun Club No More

No, not really.   The club has recently held their AGM and along with a few new committee members, they have renamed the club the Orchard Naturist Club.




NZNF AGM held at WOS on December 30, 2020

This is a quick update on the AGM, when the official minutes come out this will be updated with anything that has been missed.

The AGM kicked off at 9am, attended by many delegates from the various affiliated clubs.   There were no contentious issues, there rarely are, so we were pretty much finished by 12.30pm.   Thanks to the NZNF and the delegates for another excellent AGM.

As always, WOS were fantastic hosts and looked after all the attendees very well, and the meals, entertainment and games we played were all excellent.  Thanks WOS, you are superstars!

Rallies/Festivals (I am going to use Festival going forward)

By now everyone knows that the Southern Fare festival which was to be held at Southern Naturally this Christmas/New Year had to be postponed due to Covid-19, and the uncertainties whether anyone could actually attend or travel.  In the end, it was a good call to postpone the event for 12 months.   The Southern Fare festival will be going ahead, Covid-19 dependent, over the Christmas/New Year period 2021/22.   The registration form is already on the gonatural website.

Looking further ahead, the Wellington Naturist Club has put their hand up to host the following 2022/23 festival.   I am sure everyone that has attended a Wellington festival will agree, they are always a very well thought out event, with great food, accommodation, entertainment and of course, friends.   Further information on this at a later date.

NZNF Sporting Events

There were a couple of sporting items discussed at the AGM.  There is a new sport emerging, 3-Down (Corn Hole), and there are several naturist clubs already playing it, WOS and WNC, to name a couple.  WOS put forward a motion to include 3-Down as an official naturist sport to be played at NZNF festivals, with medals awarded.   It was decided that the younger generation could play this sport on a level footing with adults, so just one competition was envisaged, 3-Down Open.   Looking on the internet, there are many links to information on this game, and several companies in New Zealand actually sell the boards and other equipment.

Further on sports, someone (no names, no pack drill) suggested that some of the more ‘obscure’ sports could be dropped, such as Tenniquoits.   It was pointed out that the NZNF is actually a member of the World Tenniquoits Federation, and previously some of our winners were world ranked.   Tenniquoits stays of course!. However, it was agreed to get the NZNF Sports Coordinator to look at all of the sports in our rule book, look at how many actually enter each sport, and what sports might be dropped from our events.   Each event costs a bit of money if there are several competitions, with medals for each winner.    More on this at a later date.


There were several awards presented, as follows:

Pat Trott Trophy

Murray Nash was awarded the Pat Trott trophy for services to naturism in New Zealand.   Murray was also awarded this trophy in 2010.   Looking at some of the names on the trophy, there are many that have done fantastic things for the naturist fraternity in New Zealand.

Mowlem Trophy

The Mowlem Trophy is awarded to the club that has had the biggest increase in membership.   This is based on the percentage which gives the smaller clubs the same odds of winning the trophy.  This year, NUDVAN were announced the winners - well done NUDVAN.

Media Award

The Waikato Outdoor Society won a media award and received a $100 prize.   More information will provided when the minutes come out.


gonatural Magazine

posted:   December 5, 2020

Back issues that are available are list here.

If anyone would like to purchase copies of the gonatural Magazine we have a number of issues from 1990 to 2019 available.   These are sold in sets of four including postage in NZ for $10.00 payment by Direct Credit to our bank or $11.00 for credit card payment.  Postage is about $5.00.     

Email Noel at for further information or to place your order.    


Nude Gardening Day

There has been a lot of interest in the Nude Gardening Day with many clubs having a variety of activities on their grounds.  A big thanks to Yates also for providing a lot of seeds to numerous clubs.

President Wendy has also been active by way of numerous interview with the media.   One that may be of interest was with Jono and Ben and the link to this interview can be found here.   Scroll forward to about the 35 minute mark to catch Wendy, if you dont want to listen to the entire show.

Constance has put together a few words too about Nude Gardening Day (actually went for the whole week), which can be found here.


gonatural Magazine

It is with a heavy heart that after 64 years of publication, the NZNF has decided to end production of the printed and digital versions of the gonatural magazine. The magazine has been making a loss, and been financially supported by the NZNF for quite some time and this is no longer sustainable.

The NZNF is going to produce a gonatural Nudeletter that will come out every two months or so and it will be free to all members of NZNF-affiliated organisations. If you are not a member of an NZNF-affiliated organization but would like to receive the Nudeletter, a notice will be placed on this page what you need to do to receive your copy. While the new Nudeletter will not be anywhere as ‘flash’ as the gonatural magazine, we hope that it will be newsworthy, have lots of interesting articles, photos, and input from our members. This Nudeletter will also be a great avenue for the NZNF to keep in touch with naturists, not only within New Zealand but further afield.

All subscribers of the magazine will have received advice from the magazine business manager, Noel, on the next steps. There is an option to receive a refund if you are owed one, or you can simply donate your paid subscription to the NZNF.

The NZNF wishes to thank the many subscribers over the years for your support of the magazine while it was in publication.

If you have any questions please email Murray on who will answer your questions.
